5 SMART Goals to Slay Like Gbade, the Hustling Studentpreneur

Precious Oluwanifemi A.
2 min readApr 9, 2024


Magic studio Canva

Ever feel like you're juggling a million things? Gbade gets it. He's a university student crushing his classes and running his own business. Talk about a hustler! But achieving big things requires setting SMART goals, and Gbade knows that.

Just like Gbade, you might be aiming to:

Master a specific subject: Maybe that advanced marketing course is giving you a headache, but you know it’ll be a game-changer for your business.

Increase revenue or sales: Growing your side hustle is the dream, but how do you get there?

Learn new skills: The world of business is ever-changing. Staying ahead of the curve means constantly learning.

These are all fantastic goals, but without a plan, they can easily turn into overwhelming wishes. Here's how Gbade sets SMART goals to achieve success, and how you can too:

1. Specific: Ditch the vague desires! Gbade doesn't just want to "do better" in marketing. He pinpoints his goal as "achieving an A-" in his advanced marketing course. This clarity helps him focus his efforts.

Your turn: Instead of "learn new skills," get specific. Maybe it's "mastering Facebook advertising by Q3" or "learning basic coding by June."

2. Measurable: How will you know you're on track? Gbade plans to track his grades weekly and schedule meetings with his professor to discuss areas for improvement. This allows him to measure his progress and adjust his study plan as needed.

Your turn: For increasing sales, define a specific target. Maybe it's "growing sales by 20% in the next month."

3. Achievable: Be ambitious, but realistic. Gbade knows he has a heavy workload, so aiming for a straight A in marketing might be setting himself up for failure. An A- is challenging but achievable given his commitment.

Your turn: Consider your current skills and resources. Don't overload yourself by trying to learn five new things at once.

4. Relevant: Make sure your goals align with your bigger picture. Gbade's marketing knowledge will directly benefit his business.

Your turn: Is mastering Facebook advertising relevant to your overall goals?

5. Time-Bound: Deadlines are your friends! Gbade has set a semester-long timeline for achieving an A- in marketing. This timeframe keeps him motivated and focused.

Your turn: Don’t let your goals linger in dreamland. Set a specific deadline for achieving each one.

By following these tips and taking inspiration from Gbade's hustle, you can set SMART goals that will pave the way for your success! Remember, just like Gbade, you can juggle academics, business, and achieving your dreams – all it takes is a little planning and a whole lot of action.



Precious Oluwanifemi A.

I'm a multi-talented individual with a varied range of skills, specialized mostly in writing. I love narratives, and topics relating to self improvement.